MAYOR'S CUP RACE 1978-2000


The Mayor's Cup Race, started by the City of Plattsburgh in 1978 during the administration of John Ianelli, himself a member of the Valcour Sailing Club, has grown to be one of the largest and most prestigious races on Lake Champlain. Although not strictly a Valcour Sailing Club event per se, the VSC traditionally had been responsible for the on-water portion of this event involving hundreds of boats and sailboards from New York, Vermont, Québec, and other nearby states.  There are three trophies offered in fourteen different classes making the race a little  more competitive  for the  sailors that  do not race often.  Many participants have made the race their one racing event of the year. Originally run in three divisions in 1978 (Racing, Trailerable, and Working), the regatta has grown to fourteen classes in four divisions (Racing, Cruising, Portsmouth, and Sailboard). There have been minor variations in the course down through the years but it features starts near the "Black Can" in Cumberland Bay, legs around Crab Island, and a leg along Cumberland Head allowing maximum landlubber viewing.


Many of the sailboats participate in the three cruising divisions.  But in order to win the major prize — the Mayor's Cup itself — a yacht has to compete in the racing division with the serious skippers and she must finish the race with the fastest overall corrected time for the course.




1978    Ken Wolvington                    HESPERIA                           Tartan 30                    MBBC

1979    Jim Corcoran                        YELLOW JACKET             C&C Viking 33          MBBC

1980    Paul Graves                           WIKI WIKI                          Ranger 26                   MBBC

1981    Kjell Dahlen                          OBSESSION                       Tartan Ten                  VSC

1982    Jeff Hill                                  GOLDEN DAZY                  Holland 2 Ton             LCYC

1983    David McDowell                   CHAOUSAROU                  Metalmast 30              VSC

1984    Gil Mercier                            FLING                                  J-29                           VSC

1985    Don O'Brien                          SHOWTIME                        J-36                           LCYC

1986    Rob McDowell                     CHAOUSAROU II              Olson 30 ULDB         VSC

1987    Tony von Elbe                       GOING CONCERN            Beneateau 456            VSC

1988    Tony von Elbe                       GOING CONCERN            Beneateau 456            VSC

1989    Staples & Baille                     NO ILLUSION                   

1990    Skorupski & Thompson         SEA QUACIOUS

            End of VSC Administration; Begin A.M. Rotary Cub of Plattsburgh Administration

1991    Russel & Hobart                    SLIPPERY

1992    David Gorman                       MOHAWK WARRIOR       J-35

1993    Brush & Horton                     PEREGRINE

1994    David Gorman                       MOHAWK WARRIOR       J-35

1995    Andy Sajor                            CHAOUSAROU                  Metalmast 30              VSC

1996    Gardner & Browne                BARK ODE                        

1997    Brush & Horton                     PEREGRINE

1998    John Kimura                          EVOKED POTENTIAL      

1999    Brush & Horton                     PEREGRINE

2000    Don Duley                             REAL ESCAPE                    J-92                           VSC




Mayor's Cup Race Briefing @Valcour Lodge on May 25, 1978


ORGANIZATIONS REPRESENTED: Mayor John Ianelli, City of Plattsburgh; Herb Carpenter, Plattsburgh City Police Dept.; Russel Trombley, Sherriff's Dept.; George Copeland, U.S. Power Squadron; Clayton LaBounty, REACT; Wayne Tillman, Press Republican; Howard Westcott, U.S. Coast Guard Auxillary; Kathy Rock, WEAV Radio; Janeen Merrill, Chamber of Commerce; Donald Benjamin, Tourist Bureau; Fred Smith, Tom Carroll Assoc. Advertising (Tourist Bureau); Helen Ianelli, Operation Pride; Derek Allan, PSUC; Helen Allan, Clinton County Historical Museum; Connie Dubowy, Kent Delord House; Frank Pabst, Juniper; David Sweet, Dock & Coal Marina; Ron Thompson, The Mooring's (Turtle Marina); Chester Coryell, Committee Boat for the Mayor and Race Committee. CLUB MEMBERS PRESENT Dave McDowell, Ed Goodrich, Norm Lawrance, Joseph Garcia, Tom Harwood, John Higel, Bill Rowe, Nancy Altman


      The meeting started at 10:15 with an opening statement from Mayor Ianelli. This was followed by an introduction from all present.

      The Mayor's Cup Race will be held rain or shine on Saturday, July 8th. If there is no wind, it will be held on Sunday, July 9th.

The first order of business was to state the purpose of the Regatta which is to promote the sport of yacht racing and to commemorate the historic Battle of Plattsburgh. The Mayor will personally write letters of invitation to the skippers and various clubs on the Lake to participate in this event.

Next a description of the race followed with discussion of such points as the different classes expected to participate, approximate number of boats expected, the race course itself, traffic control both on the water and on shore (the Sherriff's Dept. and City Police Dept. will help with this aspect), safety, and general yacht support.


Awards were discussed and it was felt that a separate fund should be set up by the Sailing Club to handle monies for this purpose.  First place awards donations will be $60.00, second place will be $30.00, third place will be $20.00 and other sponsorship to help pay for the cost of the flags would be $10.00.  There will be eighteen awards: Six first, second, and third places.  These awards will be sponsored by the businessmen of Plattsburgh.  The City Plaque, which will remain in City Hall, will be donated by the City of Plattsburgh.  It was felt that certificates should be given to skippers who participate in the race, sponsors who donate to the awards, and anyone else who donates his time and effort to make this event a successful one.


To commemorate the historical aspect of the race, 1814 flags will be given to the boats participating in the race and the local downtown merchants will have the 1814 flags flying outside their businesses.  The Juniper will have special 1814 souvenir tickets on that day and the Clinton County Historical Museum hopefully will have a flyer out with a narrative of the Battle of Plattsburgh included.  Also, Bill Rowe will try to contact one of the direct descendants of Commodore McDonough to see if he will participate in the festivities.  It was suggested by Frank Pabst that we try to get this event included on the "I Love New York" campaign calender for July.  Attached you will find the proposed schedule of events for the day which may be subject to change.  If you have any other suggestions or ideas please contact Ed Goodrich (tel.#) or Nancy Altman (tel.#)


Media coverage was discussed and further meetings with Wayne Tillman of the Press Republican and Kathy Rock of WEAV Radio will be set up to make plans.


COMMITTEES A communications committee was set up consisting of Sherriff Russel Trombley, Norm Lawrance, Ed Goodrich, Howard Westcott, and Clayton LaBounty. They will meet on Monday, May 29th at 10:00 A.M. to make plans. CB, VHF, and the Civil Communi–cations van with its PA system will also be available for coverage of the race.


Media Support:                Chairman, Joseph Garcia; Asst. Ed Goodrich

Awards:                           Chairman, Dan Merin; Asst. Norm Lawrance.

Parade:                            Chairman, Helen Ianelli

Race Committee:              Chairman, Howard Altman

Yacht Registration:           Chairman, Tom Harwood


A $5.00 registration fee has been set up.  A one week cut off date has been decided on. There will be an increased registration fee for anyone wishing to register the day of the race.


Yacht Support: Chairman, George Copeland; Asst. John Higel



VSC Communications and Control Center: Chairman, Ed Goodrich

Media Center:  Chairman, Norm Lawrance

Flag Committee: Chairman, Bill Rowe

The Mayor's observation boat and race committee boat will be provided by Chester Coryell.

Lunch was served at 11:30 A.M.


Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Nancy Altman

Secretary, VSC



RdF 5/21/01