VSC Membership Meeting

March 10, 2001


Executive Members Present:

            Bob Bunnell, Roger Bragg, Chris Duley, Mark Stata, Chris Lanigan, Chuck       Surber. 

Club Members Present:

            Bob Brady, Dan Czaja, Andy Sajor, Brian White, Rob McDowell, Brian Dowling,        John Trombley, Phil Gorman, Dan Inhelder.


1.  Bob Bunnell read minutes of last executive committee meeting.


2.  Unfinished business.

            A.  Moving Solings to a different night?

                        Chris Duley moved to keep Solings on Wednesday night.  The motion carried unanimously.


            B.  Reverse starting order?

                        Dan Czaja moved to reverse order to:  B, A, Soling.  The motion carried, with 2 opposed.


            C.  Trophies?

                        Rob McDowell moved that VSC spends 15% (max) of annual budget to purchase trophies.  The motion is accepted unopposed.


Note:    The by-laws need to be amended to include this decision.


                        Sunday trophies are to be divided by class by lottery, 2 trophies per class.


3. New Business

            A.  Membership drive.

                        Dan Czaja suggests “letter of recognition” to new crew, boat owners.

                        Publish results in Press Republican

                        Obtain Mayor’s cup mailing list.


            B.  Wilcox dock.

                        Meeting on March 21st with Canal people.

                        Lease costs?

                        Insurance costs?

                        It is decided that nothing will happen in time for the current season.


            C.  Spring Banquet.

                        Date is set for May 11, 2001 at Dominic’s.


            D.  Crew dues (New racing rules)

                        This needs to be investigated further.