Valcour Sailing Club

Executive Meeting

Domenic’s Restaurant

27 March, 2001


In Attendance: Bob Bunnell, Chris Duley, Andy Sajor, Brian Dowling, and Ron Dufort


Not present: Roger Bragg, Mark Stata, Chuck Surber, and Ed Trombley



A.  Open Meeting – 7 PM


B.  Minutes of last meeting provided by Bob Bunnell – see attached.


C.  Officer/Committee Reports: Budget report from Roger Bragg included with minutes from the prior meeting.


D.  Unfinished Business

1. Wilcox dock --Discuss, assign tasks and deadlines.

            Andy Sajor has spent considerable time getting information on the permitting process. Currently he is trying to get specific information about the moorings from Kim Copenhaver of the Army Corps of Engineers. We will have to submit a detailed permit to the Army Corps of Engineers.

            A subcommittee needs to formed to continue the work and relieve Andy of some of the load. Bob Bunnell will head the Wilcox Dock subcommittee until permanent members can be found.

Andy will outline the steps that need to be addressed by the Committee..

2.  Finalize the race schedule -- get it to Ron for printing.

            The racing schedule for 2001 was provided at the meeting. This will be posted on the web site as soon as possible.

3.  Chuck Surber --status of the power squadron doing committee boat for us.

            The Power Squadron is interested. Bob Bunnell and Andy Sajor will attend the next Power Squadron meeting on April 2nd to further explain our need. Note that the designated skipper will have to accompany the Power Squadron boat on his assigned day or provide a qualified representative to be there.

4.  Discuss--requirements for every crewmember to be a member of a Sailing association.  

            The committee voted to place wording in the race instructions which will prohibit a protest over crew member eligibility. Guest crewmembers can be on the boats.

5.  Spring Buffet.

            The Spring Buffet is scheduled for May 11 at Domenics. A business meeting to explain the latest changes and progress on important issues will begin at 6Pm with the party to follow.

            Ron Dufort will prepare a mailing with the invitations to the Buffet. Membership renewal forms will accompany the invitation.

8.  Discuss Soling race inputs Chris sent us.

            There will be two Soling only races during the Plattsburgh Race Week. One on July 10 and one on July 12.

9.  Status of permanent Marks – Chris

            Chris Duley provided information about purchasing the marks. We could expect to pay $300-400 per buoy. Note that we should NOT look at lighted buoys.


G.  Adjourn